March 27, 2009

Weave? Me? NEVER!!!!

So after my final BC, I felt insecure about my five-head (a forehead that is longer than the normal 4-head) and decided to get a weave.

Now I don't care for women who wear fake hair and I said that I would NEVER ever ever ever ever be caught with another woman's hair on my head....

But I wasn't about to walk out the door with my hair looking like this:

I quickly ran over to the closest African hair salon and had them put a weave in. At first I thought my hair looked ok...

....but it started to grow on me! Plus it meant I didn't have to worry about doing my hair in the morning! Just add water! LOL

Since I'm a biggest tom-boy, that was the greatest news ever! LOL But with the weave I put in, it means I couldn't wear my normal clothes. On any given day, even on Sundays before I go to church, I would rather throw on some jeans and a t-shirt! I only dress up for church because my mother would throw the biggest fit if I didn't. And you really didn't have to ask me twice about skipping some heels and wearing sneakers!

But with the new hairstyle, not only did I have a new look, but I had to revamp my wardrobe!

In the meantime, I'll just enjoy my hair! :0)

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