June 26, 2009

Henna Part II

A couple of articles suggested that I try henna a second time since it didn't go so well the first time. You can read all about it here .

Once again, I got the same results, so I guess henna is not for me.

I'll just stick to what I know best when it comes to conditioning my hair:

Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream

Castor Oil

Shea Butter

I just mix a little bit of each in the palm of my hair, rub my hands together (to heat it up), and slap it on! :0)

Castor oil and shea butter leave my hair silky soft and moisturized.

I've heard a lot about coconut oil and olive oil also, so those are on my "To Buy" list.

What do you use to make your hair soft?

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